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Transit Magazine - Interview 2009

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Transit Magazine - Interview 2009 Empty Transit Magazine - Interview 2009

Post  Anna Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:07 am

Transit is a print mag, which is issued 4 times a year in the French part of Switzerland

Interview via email in English:

First things first, could you come back to how Inmoria was formed.

Well at the time I was living in Oslo, working and didn’t do anything special. And suddenly I started to hear music in my head again after about 10 years of not doing any music at all. So I just quit my job, moved back to my house in Sweden and bought some studio equipment and built a studio. I recorded a bunch of tracks and I was so pleased with them that I called up Christer from Tad Morose and asked him to come over and listen to them. He really liked what he heard and so we started to talk about putting a band together. So he called up and asked Peter (Tad Morose) and Tommi (Tad Morose) if they would like to be involved as a drummer and bass player and they said yes. Since we all live in the same town, the obvious choice for a singer was Charles so we asked him if he wanted to come over and try out some songs and he came and just blew the walls down. His voice was so perfect for the Inmoria sound and then, the line up was complete.

Dan, you used to be the drummer in Tad Morose. How did you end up playing synths in Inmoria?

Well I have always played the keyboards ever since I was about six years old and I still played it when I was playing drums with Tad Morose. I wrote Tad songs on the keyboard because it is, strange enough, easier to write music on a keyboard then on a drumkit, haha!! Then after I had left the band I was so fed up with plying drums so the obvious choice was to play keyboards when I later started Inmoria. And now I don’t have to exercise so much just to keep me in shape to play drums, haha!!

Dan, I read that you wrote the songs before asking Christer to join the band. Did your bandmates brought their own ideas anyway or did they record exactly what you had written for them?

Yes, that is right, I started to write the songs immediately after I moved back to Sweden from Oslo. Built myself a studio in my house and just locked the door and recorded everything that was inside my head.

I usually ask the rest of the guys what they think about the songs that I have recorded and they just say “perfect”, maybe they are scared of me, haha!! No seriously, If they think that I should try, let us say, another chord or something, I do it. But overall, they just put their personal touch to the tracks later on in the recording process.

Inmoria’s music is pretty straightforward. No solos, just pure pounding riffs. It seems you concentrated on the atmospheres for this record… How did you proceed, writing the songs?

That is so right and that is the way we want it to be. That IS the Inmoria sound!! We don’t have to prove our skills by playing any boring solos, haha!! The music atmosphere is very important for us so that is why we focus on just to keep the riffs coming and hit you in the face.

The whole writing process is very easy, I just sit my ass down in front of the computer and then I end up in a weird state of mind. I “see” basically a movie that runs inside of my head where people running around and telling me things……both music and lyrics. There is always one main character in this movie that begs me to help him. I know it sounds weird but that is the way it is and my psychologist tells me that this main character is actually my alter ego.

From the beginning of the writing progress it all was meant to be a “Rammstein-project” because all the riffs are written in that kind of feeling, pumping and monotone. But then I started to add some melodic parts and then the original thought was lost, haha!!

I kinda see Inmoria as the missing link between Tad Morose and Morgana Lefay. It combines the progressive side of the first with the heaviness of the latter. Do you agree with that?

Yes, I agree. Inmoria takes the best from both Morgana Lefay and Tad Morose. Almost like a marriage, I mean if Morgana Lefay and Tad Morose would have sex, their baby would be Inmoria, the black cheep in the family, haha!! No but it feel great to have members from both bands in Inmoria, and the experience that they all have is really something to lean on.

What are the artists that inspire you?

I don’t have any special influences but I have always listen to Savatage and maybe they are lying somewhere in my mind trying to influence me, but it is nothing that I think about really. No, I basically listen to all sorts of music, everything from Vangelis to the worst deathmetal there is, haha!! But I really believe that my main influence is my own life and everything that goes on within me.

Can you tell a few words about the recording process?

As I said earlier the whole process is basically simple. I start hearing things in my head and that could happen at whatever time. I basically start with either guitar or keyboard and build up the songs from there. I hear the whole song and how it should be from the beginning to the end in my head so I just sit in the studio and don’t leave until it’s done. Then, later on, I just go back and fix some parts that I’m not satisfied with. Then, when I am satisfied with everything I call up the rest of the guys to come and put their personal touch to every track.

When it comes to the lyrics all I have to do is to “go down” to my weird state of mind and trust my “alter ego” who tells me what to write.

Dreams and the search for forgiveness seem to be recurrent themes in the lyrics… Is there a concept behind this?

It is just the way I am. And if you read the lyrics between the lines, you can see that it is a suicide letter. I am not suicidal but it is just the way that I am. I am sometimes really depressed and “down”, thoughts are running threw my head and it sometimes drives me insane. I’m walking around and talking to myself and doesn’t reply to phone calls or whatever… is just me and the shit in my screwed up head!!

What do you have to be forgiven for? ;-)

Haha, well we all have something to be sorry for and I am totally scared that I will end up in hell if I don’t regret some of the things that I’ve done in the past………and in the present……and probably will do in the future, haha!! No seriously, I haven’t done anything really bad, just small things but if you could go to hell just for your own evil and weird thoughts, then I will probably burn forever, haha!!

Charles, your voice is certainly among the heaviest and most powerful on the heavy metal scene. Do you train it a special way?

Thanks for saying so!
About training; No, I don't. I try to warm up my throat just before the shows. I also avoid smoking and alcohol (when we play and tour) and make sure that there is a lot of bottled water backstage and on stage. Besides that I just do it the only way I know; I open my mouth and try to make a sound.

You recently played your first gig in your hometown. Could you tell a few words about the experience?

It was awesome actually, it felt so good to be on stage again. We all felt that special feeling and we just smiled and even people came up to us and said that we really looked happy on stage. A lot of people showed up and we had a really great time. Everything worked great and hopefully we will do it again.

Any chance of seeing Inmoria live soon?

To tour and to play live is what we really want to do right now, touring our asses off. We have now joined forces with Dragon Productions which is a concert and booking agency so hopefully they will hook us up on something really soon.

Do you already know if there will there be a follow-up to Invisible Wounds?

I really hope so because Inmoria is not a project anymore, we are a band and bands want to release albums off course. I have written seventeen new tracks and I am working my ass off trying to get them completely done. So hopefully our record company (Massacre Records) will release another Inmoria album later on.

The response towards Inmoria is huge so far. Tad Morose has been silent for six years. There are (as usual) many rumours about the future of Morgana Lefay on the internet. Fans (and me first) have a lot of reasons to be worried, right now. Does Inmoria mean the end of Tad and Morgana?

Yes, it seems like all hell broke loose. All the reviews have been really awesome so far and hopefully they will keep on coming. We are really honoured about everything they write about us.

Let me first say that Tad Morose is still active. They are right now writing new material but they don’t have a record deal, but who knows what happens later on. They have just played a show at Rockwekeend Festival here in Sweden on the 9th of July together with bands like Testament, Dimmu Borgir and Edguy etc, so Tad Morose is very much alive.

Yes I’ve seen all the rumours that are floating around on the internet regarding Morgana Lefay. The band has just taken a break and no one knows for how long and neither does any of the band members so we all just have to wait and see what happens in the future.

Charles, Christer and Tommy, you announced in 2007 that you were reforming Sefer Jezirah. Now you’ve joined Inmoria. Will you still continue working on Sefer Jezirah anyway?

Sepher Jezirah will always remain. Let's call it a long term project.


Posts : 92
Join date : 2011-02-26

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